Monday, December 15, 2008

one hundred and fifteen

December fourteenth at Chain.

I missed the Dares' set but arrived in time for Lido Beach. It was so cold outside I didn't even bother stopping to say hi to Craig and I was shaking for a good fifteen minutes even after I went in. Lido Beach's set was alright. Sadly I've never been too keen on Scotty's music, though he is a super nice and very hard-working guy. I'm glad they got a record out and I hope it sold well. I didn't even look at the merch table last night. I had no moneyz so it seemed like a bit of a moot point. :-( haha.

Down for the Count followed and I was pleasantly surprised by their set. I hadn't heard or seen them before and I kind of wish I had listened a little before seeing them because I enjoyed their music very much. They had some nice harmonies (just about everyone sang) and they were all very energetic. The singer kept bumping into people actually haha. They reminded me a lot of the Maine at times, and I don't mean that as a bad thing because I actually like the Maine a bit too. The drummer was amusing because he kept standing up off his seat and bouncing around. Like I said, very energetic. I'll definitely be listening for more of their shows in the future.

To my extreme dismay, it was far too cold to wait outside during Eudora's set so I chose to stay inside and make my best attempt at tolerating it. Their set wasn't the worst I've heard or anything, but it wasn't great by any means either. It also didn't help that the two most obnoxious kids I have literally ever seen at a show were standing next to me dancing like the outcasts at a middle school semi formal. So awkward. Oh, and Eudora brought a smelly smoke machine that made me feel sick. That was nice too. Luckily the following two bands ruled completely and I was no longer disappointed. :-)

Scarlet Grey was up after that and I hadn't seen them in like.. I don't know how long. Forever. I'm really not sure, but their set was quite nice. I don't remember the order completely, but they played the pirate song and "Quiet Kid" and "Dancing Ain't Delicate" and a few new songs ("Fancy Blood" and the ballroom one.. "No Boys in the Ballroom?" Something like that) and ended the set with "Mr. Sinister." It was very nice. I got to talk to Ben for a minute after the show but Petey was nowhere to be found and I was quite sad. Too frozen to search for him however. Anyway, rewind back to the end of their set. I had been standing behind the first row of people that were up against the stage and those two weird girls were right behind me, waiting for Filmspeed to play. Some kids in front of me left after Scarlet Grey was done so I zipped forward to the weird ones' dismay. :-D I never stand at the front either but I felt like I deserved to be there for Filmspeed anyway. No One Goes Filmspeed. :-)

So Craig, Nick and Jonny started setting up. Shawn helped. I love how no one that knows that band knows who Shawn is. Kinda silly. Just like him. But Craig said hi and they played all the songs off their myspace player as well as one or two new ones and ended with a cover of "Champagne Supernova," which hardly anyone in the room knew, least of all the weirdos behind me who kept saying things like "We love you recklessly!" and "I love you Jonny!" and following their ridiculous statements up with ridiculous giggles when the band responded nicely, which of course they have to. I felt so old at that show hahah. But it was a very nice cover. Their set didn't go too smoothly, but they pulled it off alright. It was their first show as Filmspeed, and their first show at all in like six months so that was kind of expected. I nabbed the setlist when they were done and went outside to wait for everyone so I could say hi and bye and get my ass out of there.

I called up Ashley so she could get a few hellos in too. I think I got Shawn, Jonny, Craig and then Ben. I didn't bother saying hi to Nick because his conversations fail even if his hugs don't and I never saw Pete either but I felt like it was a pretty successful venture for me. I was pretty bummed about having to go alone but I still had a lot of fun and it was nice to see all the guys again. Overall a pretty lovely night. :)

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